Chat de voz y vídeo de Google

Chat de voz y vídeo de Google

Image Chat de voz y vídeo de Google
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  • Developer:


  • OS:

    Windows 8

  • License:


  • Updated:

    January 31, 2022

  • "Video chat with your Google friends"

Today, whether it's to keep in touch with friends and family thousands of miles away or to conduct an interview with a major foreign multinational, it's necessary to have a program that allows videoconferencing in a simple and effective way.

Chat de voz y vídeo de Google is the best tool today to make a videoconference simply by having the other person's Gmail. With Chat de voz y vídeo de Google you don't have to send invitations and wait for a response like in Skype, but the moment the two users agree to make the videoconference, they just have to run the program and start chatting with a high quality video and sound.